Nevves from France. A true relation of the great losses which happened by the lamentable accident of fire in the citie of Paris, the 24. day of October last past, 1621 - which burnt downe the Merchants Bridge, the Changers Bridge, and diuers houses neere vnto them. Together with the speedy diligence vsed by the Duke De Monbason, gouernour of the said towne, for the quenching thereof. Also a decree made in the Court of Parliament in Paris, whereby an order is taken for prouiding for the merchants that haue lost their goods by the sayd fire, and to preuent the like mischance in time to come. Translated according to the French copie, printed at Paris

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Printed by G. Purslowe for R. Rounthwaite at the Golden Lyon in Paules Churchyard 1621 England, London [16] sidor.